Letter, Fax, Voice, SMS Broadcast - Top Email Marketing Software Comparison

Letter, Fax, Voice, SMS Broadcast

Solicit people by sending letters, fax, voicemails and SMS Broadcasts using an SMS Broadcast Software.

Vertical Response also offers a postcard mailing feature that is sent out by regular mail. Mailigen also offers an SMS  broadcast software at additional charges.

Fax Software

Fax can be sent and received via email using a fax software, eliminating the need for a fax machine. There are several companies that offer fax software. A fax software comparison will help you choose the right one. Comparison of Fax Software will be available soon on our website.

More about SMS Broadcast Software and Mobile Marketing

The industry is now turning towards mobile marketing which promises to offer a huge potential for advertisers. Most of the bigger companies have already recognized the opportunity that mobile marketing offers.